Thursday, October 7, 2010

Why Big Fr and Hungry Fr

  1. Why Francium is the biggest element with the lowest IE and EN?
  2. Why Helium is the smallest element with the highest IE?
  3. Why Noble Gases don't have EN values?
  4. Why Fluorine has the highest EN?
1. Francium is the biggest element with the lowest IE and EN because it has the most valence electron shells out of the others in the group Alkali Metals.  It also has one valence electron meaning it's easier to lose an electron.  It's so big that is can be pulled far away making it have Ionization Energy.  It's Electronegativity because it's farthest away from the nucleus, making a weak attraction.

2. Helium is the smallest element with the highest IE because it is a noble gas with a stable number of electrons.  Therefore, making it near the nucleus because it's packed with unmovable electrons meaning it cannot gain nor lose.

3. Noble Gases don't have EN values because they have a stable shell.  Therefore meaning that it cannot form other compounds because  the electrons are packed tightly. 

4. Flourine has the highest EN because it has 7 valence electrons. It only needs one more valence electron to be filled.  It's also the closest halogen to the nucleus. 

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