Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Sodium is Element #11


1.) My name is Sodium and my name in French is Sodium, Natrium in German, and Sodio in Italian.  I got my name from the English word soda and the Medieval Latin word sodanum meaning "headache remedy".   I got my symbol, Na, from the Latin word natrium.  3.) The nucleus of my most isotope, 23Na, contains 11 protons and 12 neutrons.  My naturally occurring isotopes are 21Na, 22Na, 24Na, 25Na, and 26Na.  They also all have half-lives.  21Na's half-life is 22.48s, 22Na's is 2.605y, 24Na's is 14.96h, 25Na's is 59.3s, and 26Na's is 1.07s.  Their natural abundance is 100%.  My average atomic mass is 22.98977 amu.  4.) There are 11 electrons in myself.  I only have one shell of electrons contained in me.  5.) My atomic radius is 186 pm which is 1.86 m.  6.)  My specific gravity is 0.97, melting point is 208°F, and boiling point is 1,621.4°F.  My density is so low that i am able to be cut.  7.) The abundance in my body which is 85% is found in the blood of a human and the lymph fluid.  I am .15% of the body.  My abundance in Earth's crust and the Universe is 200,000ppb by weight.8.)  I form the compounds common salt NaCl,  baking soda NaHCO3,  caustic soda NaOH, and sodium nitrate NaNO3.  9.) I was discovered by Sir Humphrey Davy in 1807.  It took place back in Europe where he was the first person to isolate metal from caustic soda.  10.) My job in human society is to sprinkle myself in your yummy foods to add saltiness.  I am used as rock salt to break down the ice on roads and baking soda to clean.  11.) Did you know that salt is excreted from us when we sweat? We may tend to taste a bit of saltiness when we sweat around our lips.  Not too pleasant, I'd say.
Baking Soda NaHCO3

Common Salt NaCl